The Golden Circle

Little to nothing is known of the Golden Circle. And what is known, is no more credible than a faint whisper or a rumor once heard that can't be placed. One such whisper suggests their lineage can be traced back to the beginning of creation. Where their first Affiliate was created as an act of repentance to this fallen world. It was that singular moment in all of time, that changed everything forever.
The secrecy of its members are one of their greatest tenets. As those who seek ultimate control would spare no expense to eliminate even one of its members. This war has been wagging on since the dawn of man. Countless battles and wars have been won and lost on both sides. While the characters and stage may change. The reincarnation of evil and its desire to control never has.
Of what rumors have been whispered over millennia. Quite possibly the most important of all is the Prophecy of the Golden Dawn. No one outside of their Circle has ever been imbued with its knowledge. Though it has been suggested, that this prophecy foretells of the final battle. Where one way or another everything will change...